Saturday, August 13, 2011

Why are women offended by their masturbating man?

Someone please explain why women are so uptight about their husband, boyfriend etc, masturbating. Why are men forced to jerk off in shame in the shower? Many women feel that masturbation is a last resort, gross, and should be done in private and don't want anything to do with how or why or how often their man masturbates--they don't even want to see any evidence of the fact that their man is dong such things.

What women fail to recognize is that men NEED to masturbate! It keeps us in a good mood, relaxed, and keeps us from finding pleasure somewhere else. Even in a healthy sexual relationship men will still masturbate--why--because it feels good and we like to, and unless the women wants to have sex every single day, then she shouldn't care if her man is taking care of his own business.

Mutual masturbation can actually increase a couples emotional and sexual well being. By taking masturbation from the seclusion of privacy into the openness of the sexual relationship couples can explore themselves and each other in completely different ways. During "that time of the month" when a women may not feel like partaking in intercourse she can still fulfill her man completely by partaking in his own personal pleasures--lending him hand (so to speak) or simply caressing her man while he does his thing is a huge turn on!

So women stop being so quick to judge your masturbating man--be open to the possibilities--tease him-pleasure yourself in front of him, and turn him on and let him masturbate to you--now that should be the greatest compliment he can give you!

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